Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Building a playhouse - Part Two

Here's my basic plan: build a 10' x 10' base. Walls on all four sides. Front wall will have a door and maybe (depending on space) a window. Each side wall and the back wall will have a window. Build another 10' x 10' platform on top for the roof. Put 4x4s through that deck at all four corners and at edges of openings to support railing.

Issues still to resolve:

What kind of siding? Paint?
Window edging - simple flat 1x4s?
Floor - plain plywood? Something more gentle on feet?
Snow on roof - a potential issue up here in the frigid north.
Make the roof solid or let it drain through? (If it drains, the floor needs to drain too.)
If solid roof, should I put a slight angle on it for drainage?

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